The Journal

Negations is an interdisciplinary journal of social thought dedicated to expanding the realm of discourse. Our methodological approach is to draw on directly relevant work by scholars, poets and artists from across the arts and humanities to create a wide ranging synthesis of critical assessments of the current realm of discourse and a range of proposals synthesized from the traditions and experts of the collective arts and humanities.


Negations is published twice annually in the city of Dallas, Texas, United States of America by the Negations Institute, a 501c3 non-profit corporation.




Subscriptions are available at $20 annually.




Donations are welcome and --since Negations is a non-profit corporation under section 501c3 of the United Status tax code-- they are fully deductible.




Poetry or article submissions should include a copy on either Macintosh or DOS disk in a standard wordprocessor format and three print copies.

Articles should be 15 to 25 double-spaced pages in Chicago style with bibliography and endnotes, not footnotes.


Submissions of poetry should include four to ten poems.


Artwork is accepted in black and white only. Submissions are judged in a peer selection process.




PO Box 835984 Richardson TX 75083



Editorial Staff


J.L. Hinman - Publisher

Tim Wood - Managing Editor

Jim Bratone - Special Editor

Ray Hinman - Poetry Editor

Lantz Miller - Book review Editor

Fran Carris - Copy Editor

Patricia Miklos - Copy Editor

Rodger Thompson - Proofing




Editorial Board


Alex Argyros - Literary Studies, University of Texas at Dallas

William S. Babcock - Director, Graduate Program in Religious Studies, Southern Methodist University

Charles R. Bombach - History of Ideas, University of Texas at Dallas

David Channell - History of Ideas and - Philosophy of Science, University of Texas at Dallas

William Gibson - Sociology, University of California at Long Beach

Susan Heckman - Dean of Graduate Program in Humanities, University of Texas at Arlington

Geoffrey Hale -

Frederick Hotz - Philosophy, Collin County Community College

Lorraine Kahn - Formerly Visiting Scholar in Film, Institute of Industrial Relations, The University of California at Berkeley

Barry Katz - Formerly Professor of Philosophy, Stanford University

Marcia Landy - Department of English, University of Pittsburgh

Kevin Mattson - Rutgers University

Greg Miller - Communications, San Diego State University

James O'Connor - Professor of Economics, The University of California at Santa Cruz

George Pepper - retired, Jaspers Scholar, Iona College

Jim Perkinson - Historical Theology, University of Detroit

Brian Spitzberg - Communication, San Diego State University

Trudy Struenegle - Kent State University

Theodore Walker - Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University

Victor Worsfold - Ethics, University of Texas at Dallas




Special Thanks


Dr. George Moushegian - School of Human Development, University of Texas at Dallas